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My name is Holly Jade Picker, I'm 20 years old and currently in my final year studying my BA in Interior Design. I'm originally from Melbourne, Australia and moved to Johannesburg in 2015. I had the privilege of growing up in a city that is home to some of the best interior design and design culture in the world.
My parents owned a furniture store called ' Mortise and Tenon' while I was growing up. Their business did many collaborations with well-known designers in Melbourne so I was always attending different meetings, fabric stores, rug stores and client's homes. My older brother and I even used to play a game when we visited rug stores, where we would find the highest rug stack and try to get to the top. I always looked up to my mother and her job, so from a young age, I knew that I wanted to follow the path of Interior Design. 
I am an independent, hard-working individual and an eager-learner. I am goals driven and am always growing as an individual, both in my design style and as a person. I believe that having a positive attitude is a crucial aspect of obtaining achievements and I look very forward to my future.


Holly Jade Interiors designs focus heavily on creating spaces that make the end-user feel positive and happy within-the space. My designs are simple yet visually effective, have a feminine touch and evoke feelings of comfortability and fun. I hope to bring a different flair to the Interior Design industry, which is heavily inspired by my time growing up surrounding my Interior spaces and architecture in Melbourne, Australia. 

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